Terms OF Service
- As per Proctored Exam Online terms of service, the order would be processed after 48 hours of placement. The service work would commence after he order procession.
- Proctored Exam Online only facilitate the orders immediately placed on weekdays only. The order placed on weekend’s end or Fridays would be processed from the next working Mondays.
- As per Proctored Exam Online policies, no work submission shall be due, planned or delivered on weekends. Exceptional to those which are promised by the account manager himself to be delivered on weekend.
- The company holds the responsibility for A/B grades only for the services and delivery taken from the company. The company shall only be held accountable for work submissions placed during the order duration.
- Proctored Exam Online defy any A/B grades or high scores guarantee for overdue or previously due work submissions.
- The company is solely responsible to achieve the committed A/B grades as the final result of an entire course. Any individual work submission’s grades do not count towards the acclaimed result of service delivery.
- Proctored Exam Online is not responsible for any technical glitches or issues raised during the PROCTORED exam duration leading to failure.
- The Proctored Exam Online exam experts hold the right to leave the PROTORED Exam session at any point of time in case of doubts or mishaps without informing the clients or providing any reasons.
- IT is the sole responsibility of client to arrange instruments, tools, software and any other requirement required to pursue PROCTORED EXAM for our exam professionals. The company does not have the right to use any such tools without customer provide.
Refund Policy
- Change of mind during and after the service delivery does not qualify the client to claim a refund.
- Clients may only post a refund claim request once the final grades are posted by lecturer and it does not count in A/B grades.
- IF the Client Fails to arrange any equipment, tool or software for proctored exam leading to failure. The company is not liable to refund the paid amount.
- Proctored Exam Online would not refund the amount if the client for any reason forget, misses or fails the exam deliberately.
Payment Methods
- Proctored Exam Online encourages the clients to make 50% upfront in advance for the service and rest of the 50% before the final work submissions.
- Payment For PROCTORED EXAMS are taken completely on advance and on non-refundable basis.
- Proctored Exam Online accepts the payment through PAYPAL, MASTER CARD, VISA, APPLE PAY, Google Pay, Bank Transfer or WIRE Transfers. All of these are secure payment channels which empowers you to withdraw the payment halfway through in case of any doubt or loss.